Tinkering Monkey iPad Stand

Clever little piece of work.  Holds an iPad and a Square reader for use in stores, food trucks, etc.  Pivots, allowing the customer to sign for their transaction, or even better, with Square Register, browse a menu and pick their food, then complete the transaction.

We designed our Square Register Stand to make collecting payments even easier. A precisely milled rail surrounds the Square reader, creating a track to swipe credit cards with minimal alignment. It’s our solution to collect payments confidently and professionally events—wherever we are! Buy it now: http://tinkeringmonkey.com/square-register-stand See how we made it: http://www.tinkeringmonkey.com/site/making-the-square-register-stand

Square Register Stand from Tinkering Monkey on Vimeo.

Sometimes I wish I could come up with a great idea for a small business just to see these kinda of ideas in my daily life.

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